Foot nail fungus Soda

A traditional medicine against nail fungus nail fungus on the feet of soda between the instruments has a leading position. Possible to remove the food product in a short time itching, burning, inflammation and soothe the skin and relieve the injured plate.

soda nail fungus

Treats such as soda Cork

Supports soda or sodium bicarbonate in the body's acid-alkaline balance and create an environment unfavourable for pathogenic microflora talented.

Soda how it works:

  • producing antibacterial action – disinfect affected;
  • soften the skin and nail plate, deep, Fire, infection;
  • problematic blocker mildew from spreading, healthy nails and skin dry places;
  • acid decreases the level of localization of infection for the deadly fungus in places.

Baking soda eliminates obstacles to further development of division and dispute him mushrooms.

Foot nail fungus recipes with soda

Combat foot fungus (athlete) and quotation (men women) soda is used:

  • as dry;
  • the solution in the form of;
  • like pasta.

Depending on the stage of the disease the organism and the properties of the item, you can add bath, medicated lotions and compresses other useful to combine both components (salt, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, laundry soap).

Bath with soda against nail fungus

To cook you need a remedial solution for the bathroom:

  • 2 liters of boiled water (37-40 °C) or boiling dilute calendula 50 gr. baking powder;
  • thoroughly stir until dissolved and water;
  • liquid ready to pour a bowl of cooked foot.

Foot soak in a soda bath, and wait until the water has completely cooled. Then rinse your feet under running water, dry towel and a special treatment for wounded or potato starch powder.

bath with soda

Soda balm with mint

Grind fresh mint leaves salt and mash and mix baking soda (1 teaspoon). To reveal a homogeneous mass, between the toes and damaged nails, leave 25-35 minutes. 1 once a day till it's to do maintenance.

Merge in, mint, baking soda, and salt to quickly remove lets you eliminate the itching, burning and pain a feeling of calm and disinfected problematic places.

Pasta water and soda

Add some water to a creamy consistency output 50 g Sodium Bicarbonate. A dense mass, pour 15 ml of aloe juice and mix well.

The finished dough required for the lubrication of the nail before going to bed half an hour. Then, it dries as a tool and sucked feet, irrigation cannot.

A course of treatment for 4 Months 2 weeks ago.

Soda and laundry soap

The perfect property, there is a solution with the softening of soda and laundry detergent. To do this, you need 3 liters of warm water (up to 37 degrees) dissolve 15 g baking powder 30 grams of soap. Steam for 10-15 minutes, the liquid finished your feet. Iodine or vinegar to the affected nail and then cut and handle it.

Magnification this way of treatment healthy enough to last nail.

With the lotion baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Dissolve 100 g Sodium Bicarbonate and 1 L of hot water (pay vinegar) 150 ml, add 200 ml of peroxide 9%-s circus. Wet cotton discs ready solution, implementation, nails and any patient with a band-aid. To change the dressing every 6-8 hours. 35-40 days for the fungus treatment this way.

Soda and iodine

Pour into the pelvis-heated to 40 degrees, add water, 50 g of the alcohol solution of sodium bicarbonate and 7 drops of iodine. A liquid for at least 10 minutes and mix it all like a fly on your feet. After the procedure to clear the problem areas, the stratum corneum and treatment peroxide, leave it to dry yourself.

The recipe helps to get rid of fungal diseases, for a month.

soda Cork

Herbal bath, baking powder, and salt

Disinfect the solution with sodium bicarbonate to soften skin and reduce inflammation that will help affected kitchen salt.


  • water to make 2 liters of water, chamomile and oak bark (30 g each item);
  • this liquid cooled to 37 degrees, add soda and salt stir in 3 tablespoons of them a complete dissolution;
  • pour a bowl of the drainage solution and the procedure before it starts.

You need to keep that foot on the foot, after 25-30 minutes a maximum cut and the affected nail for the treatment of a problematic place vinegar, peroxide or iodine. Tool kills fungi, bacteria and prevents them active dissemination.

Important! Soda comprehensive and helpful tool which is effective for the treatment of yeast men and women struggling with a drug stop. Recipes using sodium bicarbonate can be combined with alternative. Most importantly, consult a doctor before starting the treatment and her compliance with all treatment options.

Baking soda kills the pathogenic microflora, layouts, acid-alkaline balance, prevents the body and reproductive yeast infection. The application gives an opportunity to women to men in the struggle with, it is an unpleasant situation to deal with quickly, and prevent relapse for a long time.